Deploy the ReactorΒΆ

Concept: Functions can be deployed with the abaco create CLI command using a Docker image that has been built and pushed to a public registry. This is a very flexible approach, but it requires the authorone to execute the same series of steps each time. The abaco deploy command implements a streamlined workflow that, with configuration guidance from reactor.rc, automatically builds the image, pushes it, gathers environment variables, and deploys or updates the Reactor.

Action: Ensure the image builds correctly with a dry run

$ abaco deploy -R

 [INFO]   Build Options: --rm=true --pull
 Sending build context to Docker daemon  10.75kB
 Step 1/1 : FROM sd2e/reactors:python3
 python3: Pulling from sd2e/reactors
 Digest: sha256:789c9057306d618168193c75a6c47ca5c500bc6fcdb60dc30f27f9bf8b1af404
 Status: Image is up to date for sd2e/reactors:python3
 # Executing 5 build triggers
  ---> Using cache
  ---> Using cache
  ---> c06a54dcc66c
 Successfully built c06a54dcc66c
 Successfully tagged taco/hello_world:0.1
 [INFO] Stopping deployment as this was only a dry run!

Action: Deploy the Reactor

$ abaco deploy

 [INFO]   Build Options: --rm=true --pull
 Sending build context to Docker daemon  10.75kB
 Step 1/1 : FROM sd2e/reactors:python3
 python3: Pulling from sd2e/reactors
 Digest: sha256:789c9057306d618168193c75a6c47ca5c500bc6fcdb60dc30f27f9bf8b1af404
 Status: Image is up to date for sd2e/reactors:python3
 # Executing 5 build triggers
  ---> Using cache
  ---> Using cache
  ---> Using cache
  ---> Using cache
  ---> Using cache
  ---> c06a54dcc66c
 Successfully built c06a54dcc66c
 Successfully tagged taco/hello_world:0.1
 The push refers to repository []
 f9dde2603ec7: Pushed
 87f9719c8a1d: Mounted from sd2e/reactors
 913edbb0371b: Mounted from sd2e/reactors
 0.1: digest: sha256:a944131700e2ae540dc76f2c1c2d72e3909fdfd287b42a505c339ff79615bac7 size: 7184
 [INFO] Pausing to let Docker Hub register that the repo has been pushed
 [INFO] Reading environment variables from secrets.json
 Successfully deployed actor with ID: e6rkEBlzJ8vG4